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23 de dez. de 2016
BRAZIL: Basic Income Startup gives “lifetime basic incomes” to villagers
Original here: The ReCivitas Institute is introducing a “Lifetime Basic Income” in the Brazilian village of Quatinga...
22 de dez. de 2016
Payment Guaranteed: How Would Universal Basic Income Affect Business?
Origianl here: What if once a month for the rest of...
2 de jun. de 2016
ReCivitas on WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2016
Paris, June 2nd 2016 Subject: Invitation to the World Social Forum in Montréal – 9-14th August 2016 Mr. Brancaglione, It is a great...
28 de fev. de 2016
Report of Lecture at Oxford University
The ReCivitas project has paid an unconditional basic income to members of a small community in Quatinga Velho, in the state of São Paulo...

2 de fev. de 2016
31 de jan. de 2016
Café citoyen #16 – mardi 9 février 2016 – Quel travail ferait-on si un revenu de base était garanti
Pour cette prochaine édition, on change exceptionnellement notre approche pour parler d’un sujet un peu moins local : on avait envie de...
15 de dez. de 2015
Workshop Lisboa RBI - Estudos e resultados
Transmitido ao vivo em 15 de dez de 2015 As duas caras mais visíveis do RBI no Brasil vão estar conosco esta semana. Vem conhecer!...
15 de dez. de 2015
Workshop Lisboa RBI - histórico e metodologia do projeto
Transmitido ao vivo em 14 de dez de 2015 As duas caras mais visíveis do RBI no Brasil vão estar conosco esta semana. Vem conhecer!...
15 de dez. de 2015
Marcus Brancaglione on Basic Income in a Brazilian Village: Lessons for Human Liberation
To date the ReCivitas project remains one of only a handful of instances where universal basic income (UBI) has been trialled in a real...
15 de dez. de 2015

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