24 de dez. de 2016NGO launches lifetime basic incomes in Brazilian village, founds collaborative “projects network”Original here: Basicincome.org “Quatinga Velho, the lifetime Basic Income” The nonprofit organization ReCivitas distributed a basic...
4 de jun. de 2016Carta aberta a Ordem dos Advogados do BrasilMedidas Jurídicas Urgentes devem ser tomadas contra o desmonte dos programas sociais. O Antagonista "Premio para cidades com maior evasão...
2 de jun. de 2016ReCivitas on WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2016Paris, June 2nd 2016 Subject: Invitation to the World Social Forum in Montréal – 9-14th August 2016 Mr. Brancaglione, It is a great...