ReCivitas on WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2016
Paris, June 2nd 2016
Subject: Invitation to the World Social Forum in Montréal – 9-14th August 2016
Mr. Brancaglione,
It is a great honour for us to invite you to the next World Social Forum that will take place in Montréal, Canada from the 9th to the 14th of August 2016, within the framework of the activities planned by the French Movement for a Basic Income (MFRB) and Basic Income Québec (RBQ). Indeed, the MFRB and RBQ are planning a “Grand Conference” on the topic of “Basic income as a major social innovation for the 21st century”. Given your experience on the subject and as a co-founder of the Brazilian association ReCivitas we would be very much honoured by your presence in Montréal to speak on the occasion of this initiative, along with other speakers from France, the United States, and also probably from South Africa.
The World Social Forum is a major event which gathers representatives of the civil society from all over the world. It aims at finding solutions to the contemporary issues by building up concrete alternatives to the neoliberal economic model and to the policies based on humans and nature’s exploitation. The WSF gathers, in every one of its yearly editions, several dozens of thousands participants. In Montréal, this year, we are expecting between 50 000 and 80 000 persons for more than 1500 activities (among which 15 Grand Conferences).
The WSF has until now always been held in a “Southern” country, in Latin America, Asia and in Africa. For the first time of its history, it will be held next summer in a Northern country, in Québec/Canada. We are collectively very proud of being part of such a major event in Canada, conscious of the powerful symbolic strength it can represent in terms of global struggles’ convergence. In a world of deep mutations, which is currently facing multiple troubles, it is urgent and crucial to go beyond the North/South division and to position ourselves as a creative force for a real change that would be profitable for everyone. Before the major challenges that affect us all as humanity, it is important to stand together. Another world is necessary, together it becomes possible!
We thank you for your attention and remain at your disposal for any further information.
Best Regards,
Nicole Teke
International Coordinator of the French Movement for a Basic Income (MFRB)
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